Business activity

ATE’s company performs (provides services, exists) on domestic and foreign market more than 20 years. It belongs to a few pioneering companies in field of process automation which started to apply control systems of word-known brands as Siemens.

ATE’s company has automated plenty production plants and machines in different industrial branches in Czech Republic and abroad. It has established itself especially in food industry. ATE’s logo you can find in breweries around the world, in Russia, in Canada, in Peru, in Ethiopia, even in Syria and South Sudan. ATE participates in production of meat products, dairy, egg melange, mustard etc. from familiar brands.

Except of food industry ATE’s company has got its know-how and business in power engineering, chemical production, stone processing, machine-building, etc.

Business of ATE company together with its contractor partners gives good optimism into future.


If you are interested in the possibility of technological processes automation and supply of electrical equipment do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a personal consultation with us where we discuss your needs.

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